I started this a couple of years ago and had checked it a few times and there was no activity, so I am surprised to see so many replies. I had the Ladd procedure in 2009 & have since had ups and...
I have not been diagnosed with OA, because my rheumy for one hasn't looked at my x-rays (which show spurs & signs of OA according to the radiologist) and two because he says I'm too young (29),...
Well, I went back to the doctor yesterday (a rhuemy) and we've been trying to figure out if my thyroid could be causing some pain symptoms that I'm having. I had an ultrasound done a few months ago...
I had my gallbladder out about 4 years before the surgery for the malrotation and I've had side effects from that, so pretty much anything that goes in my stomach upsets it. I kick myself if I over...
I have an intestinal malrotation diagnosed last year and had a ladd procedure and my appendix removed in the summer of 2009. Since then my stomach cramping is better, but I still have occasional...
You might check into Lupus and Reynaud's syndrome, just to see if the symptoms maybe match. I've checked out so much for my joint pain and Lupus seemed to have really similar side effects to the...
Thanks so much for the support. I'll keep shouting until someone finally realizes there's something wrong. Telling my husband and having him listen is great, but to find some people who have been...
Reading most of the posts on here my problems seem small in comparison, but I don't know where else to turn. This is my first post here. I've been told my thyroid levels are normal and had an...