Thanks for the response. I may not have made myself clear. It is the artificial joint (durable medical equipment) portion that I am trying to price. I am figuring out the rest according to my...
Hi! I need my knees replaced but before I go ahead with the surgery, since I am on a strict budget, I need to figure out an approximation of my cost portion of the knee joint prosthesis. I've been...
Thanks Judy, My hubby tells me I should stop reading the boards because a lot of people who post are the ones who've had problems with the surgery. I also get angry with myself because I am acting...
Thanks Judy! I've seen two different surgeons regarding my shoulders and knees. None of the docs could answer exactly why I have the problems with my shoulders; the other docs just said that knees...
I got my surgery date and am not scheduled for April 9. I'm nervous and sure hope that it will be worth it. I see the knee surgeon May 16 to schedule the first knee replacement for the end of August....
Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about all you are going through, and your mom too. My mom lived to be 94 and was healthy as a horse until her last year. I pray that the docs can help you. I'm 65 and a...
Hi! I just found this site when searching for information on thumb surgery. I saw the surgeon today and am in the process of scheduling surgery on my thumb in which the surgeon will remove a bone and...