Hi all, basically im in a little bit of a pickle. After a (pretty severe) chronic reaction to some hair gel a few months back i broke elephant man style- swollen eyes + covered in a terrible rash all...
red_34 and razzle- thanks alot for both of your replies- great advice. I reckon il pick up some shampoos like the ones you mentioned and see what happens- its cant do any harm to try. I completely...
hi all, Basically, il try and keep it swift. Recently ive been battling with an itchy, red, scaly rash on my forehead above my eyebrows that regularly spreads to my upper back, eyelids and behind my...
hi all - im a newbe to this forum. Im nearing 21, and having a little trouble trying to figure out whats causing a pretty ugly contact allergy on my face and neck. Basically a few months back i had...