Hello, I am new here also. I, at times need to yawn to get a satisfied breath as it is called. It appears that you are getting focused attention and help. It is encouraging that it went away. I would...
.......i hope you feel better and not get any worse. i feel for you...
hi puddycat, you had said something about it becoming a habit, if you care to explain that a bit, I would appreciate it. I think you said that and it has been crossing my mind. I hope you are doing...
.......puddycat funny & great last line. The same here, I can also exercise. I can tell, you it seems to mean, good news to the dr. as I sit there saying BUT why then. I am signing off. talk with you...
.......that is just what I went over with my dr. today, about I don't feel like it is life threatening but, yes it is always there. I actually called him for this appoit. 2 weeks ago, the frustration...
hi couchtater & puddycat nice to hear from you both. how nice to have advair work for you. Also it then must make a positive difference with your breathing too. how nice is that! i will go there...
hello, I hope you are feeling better by today. I went to my specialist today, no real changes to report. We are still thinking, most importantly he thinks this will go away. As you know for me its...
Good Morning, do you mean me? just hoping to find more info. Thanks again. If you do, I have not had any symptoms with VCD. No symptons other than the not being able to get a "satisfied" breath all...
good morning, My husband came home with a BAD cold, like I have never seen before, I actually said to myself, boy I hope I don't get that. Well I did, I can remember as it was August 19, 2005. I was...
hi puddycat i have your exact symptoms, this started for me after a bad cold. This was a long time ago, and still I experience exactly what you describe. My doctor I went thru 3 of them, took me off...