Actually Hook, it may be a mast cell disorder. I broke out in hives every time I worked out. It was my only known trigger. I would also break out in hives for absolutely no reason. I went to the...
For those of you who suffer from idiopathic hives, have your doctor check you for possible systemic mastocytosis. I've been suffering from hives for years. Turns out, it was the masto. Now that I'm...
Dick, how about seeing if your doctor would add gastocrom. It's a mast cell stabalizer and it makes all the difference in the world. My UP has deminished and my symptoms are much better controlled...
are you having a trytase level performed? If so, it's always recommended that you stay on your meds. Claratan is an H1 inhibitor. It's supposed to lower your histamine levels. That being said, as a...