In 2008 about late Summer i started itching around my genitals , at first i thought it was an insect bite but it got worse and spent ages using the shower to cool my bits :( , i noticed that with the...
had URTICARIA for 2 years now , no one seems that interested in the medical arena where i live . I have never really had a rash as such just intense itching and a feeling of being poisoned , been on...
I have a bottle of this in my cupboard my gp wouldnt give me valium and said this would help my anxiety LOL . Yes it is very powerful isnt it , if you want too sleep then it sure works wonders . Its...
Can i suggest that clarityn is a bloody nightmare i have stopped taking it now as i thought iwas going mad walking round like zombie . The best antihistamine i ever took was Fexofenadine , as said...
Just before i developed my urticaria i suffered agonising pain in my knees , imean it got silly i could hardly walk . I eventually got refered to orthopaedics and the specialist took MRI scans which...
My brother suffered a recent sever bout of dizziness and collapsed , he then developed tinnitus he is 3 months in and going crazy with it , i ahve never seen him so depressed . He has suffered the...
Hi there this is my first post , i have suffered from what has been described to me by immnologists as Chronic idiopathic Urticaria for the last 2 years . I began itching rather embarrisingly around...