Thank you, I will schedule an appointment! I think you're right& I will get more comfortable in time & with these written out plans! I will write a list of questions for my doctor, this was great...
Thank you so much for your response, I have set an alarm on my phone now so I will always be ready to take my flovent. I'm happy the medicine has worked for you & very grateful for your positive...
Well my question is do you have a rescue inhaler? Does it help you when you use it if you do? As for the burping/cough, do you ever get heart burn? Have you tried taking a tums? I have anxiety that I...
I wake up this way everyday as well, I will feel all of the slime &&gunky glue like mucus in my chest! && will immediately want to throw up... The way I fixed this was hard but very doable, I trained...
This happens to me, I actually went to the emergency room for it not too long ago, they told me it's a possible mini stroke but the best thing you can do is stay calm, what helps me is laying on my...
Hi, the past few months have been really horrible for me. I lost one of my childhood close friends. I thought this was causing me anxiety & panic so I set up an appointment with my local pcp. I got...