hope4. I know it's difficult to remember. When you're in the midst of it, that darkness is consuming. I didn't to make it sound like it's easy to do. When it hits me its overwhelming. I feel like I'm...
The one thing I've learned is that depression changes. Sometimes the dark cloud hovers over you, and you feel like it'll never go away. But it will. As I've gotten older, how I cope with it when it...
I'm assuming there are ppl on here that have had pulmonary function tests. So that I don't make this a horribly long post, I'll just post questions and if anyone knows the answers, great! 1. Under...
Has anyone with asthma ever had histoplasmosis? If so, how long did you have it before you recovered, or did you not fully recover?...
I live in Ohio and this is the wettest summer we've had in decades. It's also the worst summer I've had EVER with my asthma. When I tested for allergies, the only allergen that showed was mold. So,...
Thanks for your replies. I saw my new Pulminologist earlier this week and he's checking for histoplasmosis. I'm just happy he's looking. The first dr. did nothing. I have a glimmer of hope. :) And...
I wish I could offer some suggestions, but I can't. Just support. I too am having unbelievable difficulty figuring out asthma triggers and how to get it under control. I've had asthma my entire life,...
I've had asthma all my life and have considered myself to be moderateley effected until the last 3 months or so, when it worsened to severe. Near the beginning of May, symptoms hit hard and a bit...