I thought I'd post my LINX progress report to see if anyone has suggestions. My LINX was performed 18 months ago. Because of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) postop, I also had an esophageal...
Responding to Nc12345 I had esophageal dilatation done about 8 months after my LINX, which was performed 10 months ago. Esophageal dilatation reduced swallowing difficulty (dysphagia) but did not...
I would be interested in hearing from people who are 6-12 months post-LINX. I am 8 months post-LINX. I no longer take proton pump inhibitors but do take ranitidine at night. I had swallowing...
Hi DAWG, I've thought about bronchial thermoplasty but don't think it is available in FL where I live. I can't tolerate inhalational corticosteroids: sore throat and loss of voice even tho' I rinse...