Hi All New member here. Just wondering if sulfites can be responsible for my low kidney function. I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure. I actually have low blood pressure and heart rate. My...
Hi Worriedmom" I have been using unbleached white flour, with no additives it in for all my baking. I seem to be ok with this flour. Can you get this type of flour where you live? It sounds like your...
Hi duntroon: I recently bought some SO3 test strips from Amazon. 100 strips for 33$ http://www.amazon.com/SEOH-Indicator-Sulfite-Quantofix-Analytical/dp/B0089PPEGI/ref=pd_sim_indust_1 I have only...
Hi Deanox: I have heard that teabags are bleached with sulfites. I have not been brave enough to try tea without the bags, i.e. lose tea. Also, with canned tomato products, I have noticed...