I have been getting these hives everyday for about 6 months now. This weekend was the first hot- sunny day here in MA. I now relize that sunburn= hives. I broke out in large white welts everywhere...
My doctor is looking into Hasimoto's disease for a reason for my UT. What are some symptoms of this. I have recently experienced wieght gain, retaining fluid in feet and ankles and being tired all...
I have been concidering accupuncture was unsure if was even worth it. But I guess you're right I have nothing to lose. I'm a new suffer of CU and have had hives now every day for about 4 months. I'm...
I have been experiencing hives everyday for the last three months. It all started after a gym workout, however worsened over time. I wake up every morning with hives on my arms, palms and feet. I've...