Sorry for the delayed responce, Alfers. I didn't see your post. Yes, I am allergic to both foods and environmental things. And yes, it's rough, but it's been so long that I'm sort of "in my groove"...
Hi Lynnette! Welcome to the board!! :) Sorry you found us thanks to such frusterating circumstances. I'm not terribly familiar with food poisoning/staph infections, but your son's reaction sounds...
Hi TSN! Welcome to the board. :) I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters allergies--but kudos fo you for working so hard to keep her healthy and safe. I myself have a severe food allergy (to, of...
Alfers, He shrugged it off?! That's insaine!! When I was younger and my allergies were first surfacing one of the first things to show up was fatigue and a heavy feeling, like having wet towels laid...
Alfers, I've had two friends who have had that surgery (a father and son) and they both benifited greatly from it (i.e. much freer breathing through the nose and neither have had a sinus infection in...
Firemt, FRUSTERATING! Ha ha, if you ever came to *my* house it would be safe. No meat!! ;)...
Firemt, To be perfectly honest, I don't know what sort of reaction it is (and I'm not familiar with the terms you used to even make a guess). There isn't an offical test that can be administered to...
Alfers, Wow! So sorry to hear about your allergies, but hurray that they were diagnosed. :) They're significantly easier to deal with than Lyme (in my humble opinion ;0) ). I can't really offer you...
Firemt, HA HA, yay for a hermetically sealed section! Oh if only life were that simple. I'm actually allergic to the artificial growth hormones given found in most meats. You'd be just amazed at how...
I agree with FireMt. I eat out very rarely and always have an open dialogue with the manager before I order/eat. For the most part though, eating out is just to risky/scary. I avoid it. I do,...
MerylG, I'm glad to hear you're doing a bit better! Sorry I wasn't much help. :)...
Hey Vollyball Lover! Welcome to the board!! Having a fruit allergy sounds terrible! I would be so sad if I couldn't eat fruit. But even though you love it, I would suggest that you *stop* eating all...
Thanks anyway, firemt. :)...
MerylG, Are you sure it's not just a heat rash?? I've gotten them on occasion ever since I was a baby. They are similar to hives, only without the bumps. They appear for a few minutes to a few hours...
Hello! I was diagnosed with a severe allergy to the artificial growth hormones (given to most animals used as meat sources) nine years ago. I have never before met anyone with the same allergy. The...