Beloved 1 , I was not awake during my ablation. As for you at some point you are going to have to trust a doctor or do nothing. I personally wish I had done nothing. The A-fib I had before was an...
Before the Ablation I was diagnosed with a Stenoic Bi cuspid aortic valve. Still able to run 5 miles in 45 min. Had 3 episodes of a-fib that settled on their own. My Cardiologist said they have this...
2 1/2 months post op. Feeling pretty good and able to do about 70% of the exercise before the procedure. A couple skipped beats here and there but zero A-fib. My resting HR was very high ( 78-90)...
Atypical, I was very discouraged at 3 weeks as well. 5 a-fib episodes and 1 cardio version in this short period :mad: .. Fortunately the last week and a half ( I am 5 weeks post op) I have been...
I am 8 days post op ( Ablation for A-fib) Was a healthy active 57 yr old Male with a 50 -55 resting heart rate before this. Had a few a- fib episodes a few years ago that required Cardio verting. A...
Thanks Alcie, Depression is long gone. Headaches and a niacin like flush however are almost instantanious after an almond joy, hotdogs or a glass of wine. Didn't understand the cause until recently....
I to am sulfite sensitive and after reading your posts are more certaian than ever. Heres my question: Have any of you ever taken an antibiotic called Sulfamethoxazole? I made a mistake when I over...