Thanks I have been on different medications ( steroid, antihistamines, decongestants) I have used saline sprays, Nasonex and humidifiers. CAT scan shows my right sinus full of liquid which doctor...
I have been dealing with allergic sinusitis since September. Medications did not do the trick. ENT wants to perform FESS ( Functional Endocsocic Sinus Surgery) Being somewhat of a worrywart not sure...
Thanks Jo I am under a lot of stress at work these days and thought about the grinding and clenching issue myself as the cause of this. If I am grinding my teeth it must be in my sleep because I am...
Thanks. I was back this past Monday and he told me after looking in my ear that he did see liquid in the ear that was proving to be a problem. Started me a new antibiotic then. I have been to him...
Been suffering with allergic sinusitis and getting better. This has been diagnosed by my doctor about four weeks ago. Initially I got terrible sinus headaches and pressure almost daily. OTC remedies...
I can sympathize with your husband. However I have gone to the doctor three times since nothing seems to help me. I live in Atlanta and we have been bone dry for months. I have had intermittent sinus...
What Chinese herbs are good for these allergies and headaches.?...
I appreciate all the comments. Interesting enough I spent the weekend in South Florida and did not feel much better. I do now if the same allergens are located in Florida but I was hoping that I...
No actually not tried either of those. I have lived here for fourteen years and now in my mid forties seem to suffer with seasonal allergies this fall. I have never had problems in the fall before. I...
I live in Atlanta Georgia. We have had an extremely dry summer and fall so far. about three weeks ago I started with sinus headaches that come and go..I feel stuffy at times and my ears bother me. I...
It was over so fast I actually do not have much recollection of it at all. I was scheduled for the test at 7:30 and was told by doctor's office to arrive by 7. ( test was administered in his office...
I have been diagnosed with GERD in January. Overall feeling better but not right. I have good and bad days with bloating and stomach upset. I am having an endscopy this Tuesday and since I am a...
I just found out about this site today. I have found in the past that as patients we need to stay on top of our illnessess and unfortunately not always believe what the doctor says... 45 year old...