The Thief The thief came again. I can always tell. He crept in undetected and took his plunder from the storehouse. He has gotten bolder. It used to be how to make coffee or use the TV remote. He is...
ShesMyGrama, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I was with my mother till the end. I wouldn't trade that time with her for anything no matter how exhausted I got. Some things we watched for...
Hi Moonroe, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this terrible disease. I know how you feel about doctors seeming to take too long to get anyhting done. Do you go into the exam room with your husband?...
Thanks for the welcome. I didn't mean he doesn't know me. I meant his confusion reminds me of my mother's condition. I know they are different. He gets really frustrated trying to express himself or...
I'm new to the forum and oh so pleased to have found you! My husband has Hep C from a transfusion in 1970. He's been through the interferon and ribovirin treatment but it didn't work. It just seemed...