I've had my shoulders injected several times,talk about a relief,it feels good after....
Dementia is an umbrella word for all the demetias....
Tell him "yes sir".Make light of it or get him to laughing over it.Use your imagination..........Lynne ...
Hey! Good humor means a good attitude........... My memory gets loster & worser at times too....lol...
If he can't get the keys,he can't drive,then just tell him,if he still understands,or get the Dr. to do it,or contact the DMV as them to retest him & pray he won't pass.............. ...
I love to chat,though it tires me out more some days than others. I use the MSN IM ,also AIM IM. I have many friends on both. I'm on the pc from am to pm & in between.lol I'm in several chats have a...
No,of course you're not a bad person! Does your husband help with his care?When I first started out working it used to embarrass me terribly to clean up a man,but i got used to it,it just takes...
So Sorry Moonstruck! I'm living with Alzheimer's,not dying from it.At least for now.I ffel bad for you,enjoy her for as long as you can.Take her out often,let her get sun,& see the world even though...
I understand Crohn's.I took care of a man with it.It's rough to say the least.I never allow negative people in my life,they don't understand,refuse to learn,so out they go.The stress is too much for...
You didn't offend me Chris..But there are people who think It's a mental disease.You're right We didn't cause this,we can't fix it!We learn to live with what we've been dealt with,& go on................
Chris,Alazheimer's is not a mental illness.It's a Degenerative disease. Medicare approved testing for Dementias,also rehab with physical problems of the ones with AD.......... ...
Sassy,sounds like he needs a medication change........oops,I meant Jeannie....
LOL,I forget words too,but I laugh & go on.No,I'm very aware of everything,including any changes in me.When I do,I talk with my Dr. ...
My AD was caught very early(MCI),in 1998.I was 58,but would have been DX at 56 if I had gone back to the Neuro after the 1st.MRI. I still drive,don't get lost,still enjoy a full life,or most of...
I also have Alzheimer's disease.Now, do run & hide from me,I won't bite.lol I'm here to help,& maybe learn too,as I still can. I help others on different boards,chats& am accepted 100%...
It's called Memantine.It works well in some,better in others,or not at all.Like all medications it depends on the person.It is expensive $150.00 for 30 days.It's supposed to be from the moderate...
What you are experiencing Is typical of Alzheimer's ...