I thought that 129 was high blood pressure. Well I really am relieved, thanks a million guys. I tend to freak myself out over small things and did not want to become scared about my blood pressure....
My blood pressure is usually always low. I was wondering if anyone has high blood pressure and it causing their anxiety to go off the cliff. I felt extremely anxious and I noticed my blood pressure...
Yeah I understand you 110% especially the looking up symptom thing. I have to not look up symptoms or else I will have diagnosed myself with 100 different things. I can really freak myself out and I...
All of these symptoms you explained are all so farmiliar things that I have went through and I living proof that you will get better. I think I kept the horrible depsonalrealization and derealization...
I have had anxiety and panic attacks since 2007 and I know exactly how you feel and it can be scary and overwhelming at times but I can tell you it will get better. When mine first started, I felt...
Like two weeks ago I discovered my blood pressure elevated also during full blown anxiety attack and it automatically caused me to have a severe panic attack. I talked to my doctor about it to make...
Wow! You described to a tee what I go through when I have m panic attacks. It is an absolutely awful feeling I know. But you will not die and you need to keep telling yourself that. I do not take any...
I just wanted to update you all about my doctors appointment. I was so anxious and could not eat before my appointment and just felt extreme anxious. Can anyone relate to that when they go to the...
I appreciate the helpful advice and support given by you all. It really is great to have a place such as this to come to when times get hard and support is needed. I thank you all so much because to...
I went on birth control on may 10th for a small cyst that the doctor felt. I had a pelvic exam 5 months prior to that and nothing was found so I wonder why my doctor suggested birth control . Maybe...
Hey all! I have a lot of anxiety when deciding to go on the pill or not due to the serious side effects of the pill. I would like to and tried to a year ago but it just scared the heck out of me. I...
I wanted to upday eveyone about my dentist problems. Well I am very comfortable about taking my antibiotics now and last week I had a root canal and today I went to have 2 filling filled in the back....
Its just the anxiety going wild. I did the same thing the other day. It was not with flu shot but with antibiotics. I have to start taking antibiotics before dental work and it was my first time...
Some other things that may help when you feel breathless is to turn a fan on and let it blow on you, or like you did get outside and soak up some fresh air. The feeling usually shouldnt last very...
Thanks. I am no longer upset about it. I was just being caucious about the medicine and all. If I am not use to something then I want to make sure I will be taking the right amount you know. I will...
I did not go and now am upset with myself. I did not even call to say I could not make it and now I feel like I cant go there anymore. I got nervous when I went to get my antibiotics this morning. My...
Thanks so much everyone. For some reason to have someone else to tell you that you will be fine really takes a load off. I am really trying to overcome some of my issues but along the way I may bog...
Yeah my dentist knows of the situation and I have to take a antibiotic before dental procedures since I have some reguritation. I never took them before any other dental work until I learned of my...
My doctor said that the beta blocker blocks the adrenaline and I should not have the same reactions. I guess just thinking of what happened and thinking of being in the same room or something is what...
Okay I have been feeling okay here lately. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to have some cavities filled. My body does not act well to the novacaine, ever and I am already getting nervous about...
I would most definately check with your doctors first to ask the exact amount you should be taking of magnesium. I know that people with kidney failure should not because it could be toxic. ANd also...
I thought this post may be helpful to some people. I have an understanding that a lack of magnesium may cause many of the symptoms that anxiety causes. Maybe if someone knows that they don't take in...
I have had this before. It really upsets me but it does go away....
I think my medicine is causing some headaches and the more I think about the tightness, the more I have it. When Idont think about it it is gone. I think it is stress related and I may be bringing it...
Does anyone get head/face pressure due to their anxiety/stress? How does it make you feel if you do get this?...
Just updating everyone. I finally started my menstruation on the 30th. I have felt awful and have been having severe panic attacks. I am trying to manage my anxiety and I am sure I will start feeling...
I found this on another website and I think it may help a lot of people: Several Bible verses remind us that no matter how anxiety-producing the situation, the God is with us. *I am sorry I have to...
Okay everybody. New symptom. I ate a bowl of cereal this morning and took my vitamins as I usually do. Well about 20 minutes later while sitting at the computer, I got overwhelmed with sickness so...
I just want to thank everyone for giving some real good advice an being so supportive. Thanks...
junebug Thanks so much! You really gave me more hope that it still may come. Yeah I read about stress can make it late or make you even miss a period. I really appreciate your kind supportive words....
No I have no fast acting calming medicine. I do want to take a pregnancy test. My period is usually before now, like around 8th to 16th I would start each month. But last December, I did start on the...
I am just not feeling very well at all. I had an IUD(bith control) removed last year and ever since I have had irregular periods. Well this month is almost over and I have not started my menstruation...
My anxiety comes from my mitral valve prolapse which is an abnormalty of the heartvalve. For some reason people have anxiety/panic, plus other symptoms that come along with mitral valve prolapse but...
Your freaking yourself out probley. I have experienced this Depersonalization/Derealazatiom that you speak of and thank goodness I dont anymore but I understand it is very upsetting. IT is hard to...
WHat did they tell you about your situation? I found out I have mitral valve prolapse with regurgitaion. My valve leaks just a small amount of blood. It is the most common cardiac problem for people...
you just feel like the world becomes really dark and scary and you feel helpless and feel like you're going to lose your mind and never be able to function normally again. it's like i'm in a...
I really hate this feeling. It gets me all upset. I am glad im not the only one. I hate it for anyone though. I will try the jumping jacks if I ever get it again. :)...
I am not experiencing this now but I have before. I would feel a slight strangling sensation and like a lot of pressure in my head and face. Has anyone else experienced this ever?...
Hey! You are not alone. I first began my panic attacks when I got pregnant with my son in 2007. I never knew what a panic attack was until year 2007. I had them every day and all day. I always...
Pelonis I have mitral valve prolapse and it is very mild and a small leakage of blood. You are absolutely right you are not to worry because you will be fine. You do need to eat a healthy diet and...
Make sure that before you take your blood pressure that you have not been doing any activities. Sit relaxed for 5 to 10 minute to get an accurate reading....
You are very young and heart problems do not run in your family which is a good thing. I sometimes have funny chest sensations and I have even had a sore chest for almost a whole day, it was not bad...
I was having this problem too. I just thought I was having panic attacks because I had all of the anxiety symptoms when my heart rate was up. I do not have tachycardia but I recently found why I was...
These techniques sound great and I will start practicing them just in any situation when I get negative feelings and thoughts. I already do the deep breathing and I think it does calm my body down....
Belablue Thanks bunches for your writing me this about your doctor visits. I am glad that I am not the only one. I hope that I can learn to control my thoughts better. Do you know some good ways to...
Okay well I went to the cardiologist today and I have a very healthy heart the doctor says, I just have mitral valve prolapse which is nothing to worry about . It was just a small prolapse. I just...
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone who was very supportive during my time of need. I went to the cardiologist and I do have the mitral valve prolapse and it is very mild which was causing...
I was wondering if any of you have MVP(mitral valve prolapse)? I have just learned like two weeks ago that I may have it and I go tomorrow to have a echo. I am sort of nervous but not as nervous as...
Yeah it reminds me of my first few panic attacks, I had a 4 month old and found out I was pregnant. I always felt like I would die and worry to death about my babies. Like what would they do without...
Sometimes I can breath and releive it but unfortunately most of the time during a panic attack, I have to ride it out as well. And the ride is horrible. I tend to feel like I have to pace around the...