Jenny, My mother had her gall bladder out a few years ago. Like you, she was misdiagnosed over and over before someone figured out she had gall stones. It took several trips to the er, no one...
Thanks guys. I took the meds this morning! Its weird that I was desperate for something to help and then when I get it, I'm scared to take it! I guess it was in part due to the scary dizziness I...
... from the drugstore just now and am terrified to take them. I know its my anxiety. Any advice?...
Thanks Percycat and P-Fit. I am going to start the CBT and biofeedback in August. For some reason they only offer it during the fall and I just get 6 sessions. Hopefully 6 will be enough and the meds...
Others here are more qualified to answer your questions about your meds. I just wanted to tell you my panic attacks occur more often when I go out and am without my husband too. What you are...
Another question P-Fit. I noticed you are taking fish oil. Does this help counter act the weight gain associated with the antidepressants? Just curious....
Thanks for the tip about the clonazepam. I have another follow up appointment in two weeks. I will ask about this if the beta blocker does not work....
Hi Catherine. I started Paxil two weeks ago and felt similar to you. Do you feel like its something between vertigo and the dizziness you would have with the flu? Anyway, my doctor changed me to...
I wanted to give an update and also see what everyone thought. I am still having panic attacks almost daily. My doctor first prescribed Paxil. I was on Paxil for 2 weeks and woke up one morning...
Marthamae- please don't feel guilty about this. Your SIL obviously does not unterstand that you have your own health issues to deal with. You have a nice husband and he will support you in this. My...
Thanks for the reply Marthamae. I liked what you said about taking time for therapy. I know what is causing my test anxiety. I gave up my career and moved my family 6 hours from home for lawschool. I...
/community/emoticons/sad.gif OK, so I called the student health services and the first appointment is 2 1/2 weeks away. I am having anxiety over my anxiety. Does that make sense? I have to drive to...
There is a free on-line CBT, Lyn? Can I have a link to it? One problem is that lawschool, along with my family obligations does not give me very much "free" time for therapy. On-line therapy would be...
Thanks for the messages guys! I am soooo glad I found this forum. I was feeling short of breath on and off all morning. Once I started reading here and confirmed that this was a syptom of a panic...
I just completed my first year of lawschool. It was quite stressful. I never had a panic attack prior to lawschool (I am 34). about 2 weeks before fall finals, my panic attacks started. They were so...