are you comming of meds if so could be brain zaps, they happen its just that way for a while dont stress. mannic666...
hey ive just got a date with all the cat dolls , i dont no if i can go the wifes not to keen. manic666 PLZ remember 13 yr olds read and are members of this site..........LYN...
hey buddy, i have suffered depression an anxierty all my life i am dyslexic to so spelling may be crap. on cymbalta an larozapam 4mg a day used to be adictted to 10 a day.mad srink stopped me cold...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif /community/emoticons/shocked.gif g thanks i dont think it was the valerian itself i think i was taking to much , dont forget i was taking 3to 4000 mg a day an after a...
lyn srub my joke please i carnt put my name to half a joke ............... Edit: Manic 666, You have not read our rules so please do so before you make any further posts. 13. Do not disrespect...
hello manic hear .i will say sorry for my spelling im Dyslexic /community/emoticons/cry.gif my meds are 60mg cymbalta 4 mg ativan a day i used to have a 10 a day habit do to poor srinks...
a guy asked do i like breasts, or legs, or mabye thighs. i, he said sorry sir but you wont find that in a k.f.c. family bucket. /community/emoticons/yeah.gif foxyboy Any questions email me...