It is UNREAL what Anxiety can do! Breathing problems, rapid heart rate, tight muscles (neck and chest), headaches, chills/sweats, and changes in blood pressure are all ones I have experienced over...
Keeton: SInce last December I had BAD anxiety issues which resulted in 3 visits to the ER within 3 months! During the time, the Dr. perscribed Xanax to take "as needed". Well, the only time I would...
Phobia: Welcome and your among others with the same issues. I recently learned a few things regarding anxiety which seem to have helped me a great deal. 1. Anxiety is not an indication you are going...
MESSAGE TO ZLSJ: I recall reading a past post from you regarding the neck/back of head pain you have been experiencing and it is EXACTLY what I have been having as well for the past six weeks. I also...
Although I have flown for years, I was never really a "relaxed" person on a plane. I always needed at least 2-3 drinks prior to boarding just to make it on the plane but once in it, seemed to relax....
If it makes you feel any better, I have been directed to take 0.5 mg 3x daily which I never did. I would occassionally take 1/2 a 0.5 mg tablet evry now and then since I was scared of the "withdrawl"...
Colin: After reading your post I can agree with your symptoms. I have been dealing with anxiety issues since December and, although it has improved, I do have the "off balance" feeling the past week...
ZLSJ- It has been about 4 month snow since I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and have been trying to geth through it without medications. I was first put on Zolfot which made me feel...
Aries8 - I have no problem with the medication. Since it states 3x daily as needed I thought ...ok..I take it when I am having an anxiety attack! Which, when I think about it, is too late since it...
Hi All: Well, I thought I was coping well with my anxiety but recently (last 2-3 weeks) been having a strange tingling sensation right on the top of my head as well as face/check area. I read on some...
Julie- Great advice from others. Last couple months I know exactly what you mean. Started with racing heart beat - I am having heart attack. Went to ER got checked out, everything fine. Then had...
Hi latin- Both my sister and father have similar chest pain symptoms which turned out to be related to gas so it appears to be a common. From what my sister cliams, it is really bad after she drinks...
Victoria- Thanks for the detailed post. It is exactly as it is stated in the book I purchased and it works for me! I was also advised by a therapist that since it is anxiety or panic, when an attack...
Jenny - The two that I know of are Alprazolam (aka Xanax) which seems to help me. I also heard of people taking ST John's Wort which can be purchased off the shelf at most stores. It is claime dto be...
RoseA You are not alone. I was recently put on Zoloft to treat panic/anxiety attacks. As soon as I starte dtaking it, I felt really bad. Every night between 6-9PM I would get these warm hot flushes...
I am a 41 SWM which has been experiencing anxiety (or so the Dr claims) for the last several months. My story is unique due to a trama I went through about 5 years ago that I believe is still in my...
Jaycee - I love the idea that you are here to help a friend. I personally have no one I can turn too which makes my anxiety issues difficult. I dread night - being alone - and the fear something will...
Great to hear your progress! I had my first anxiety attack in 11/07 and just surfaced again in 12/08 and seems to be downhill from there. My Dr gave me Xanax to take 3x daily as needed and since I...
Sorry to hear about your sister. Unfortunately, I have to share something that may not be that useful to you but was/is for me. I have been suffering severe panic /anxiety over the past couple...
I know what you mean. I have been in and out so many times during the past 2 months regarding my anxiety disorder. Physical therapy, regular Dr., ER (twice) and therapist twice. My first attacj...
Sad to say but you may need to go to Emergency Room and tell them you are having chest pains. They will automatically hook you up to EKG and do everything to cover their a** so to speak to make sure...