So far it is working pretty well for me. I can notice a big difference....
Yeah, my husband has threatened to take my computer from me because he says I am making myself sick running to the computer every single time I have an ache or pain....
Oh thank you for the replies! I am taking 20mg a day and have been for 5 years. I go to the doc next week and will discuss this with him. It was just a scary feeling when I felt like the food was IN...
I have really tried to make a conscious effort to stay off the computer, self-diagnosing myself. It is just driving me crazy. It was just out of control. It's just amazing to me how anxiety just...
I am new to this GERD forum, I post a little over at the Anxiety forum. I have a question. I have been taking Nexium for about 5 years. Lately, I feel like there is something in my I...
I have noticed the feeling in my throat before but this is the first time this as happened. I was not feeling anxious though when this happened. I was diagnosed by my family doctor about a month ago...
I know exactly how you feel. My family seems to blow off my concerns quite frequently. I know they don't mean to seem insensitive but that is the way I perceive it. It is a lonely feeling, especially...
Since last night I have felt like there was "something" caught" in the top of my throat. I have been taken aspirin every 4 hours for neck pain, it's uncoated so not sure if that has contributed to...
Just started this today.....I think it really may help....
My doctor prescribed me Buspar for my anxiety....anyone here taking it? I haven't been on it long enough to see a significant difference. Can anyone tell me about side effects they experienced...does...
Thank you...
So sorry I did not introduce myself earlier. I am a 45 year old, wife and mother. I was recently diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Order and am still learning alot about it. I hope to find some...
I was recently diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I was prescribed Buspar for it. Seems to be doing ok. My head tingling, hand tingling, stress in neck and shoulders all a...