Thank u kitkatt for all of ur wisdom. I've actually had 3 good days in a row. A liTtle anxious of course but not so bad at all. I gave the wrong website be4 its that page has...
Thanks kittkatt! I have had a full cardiac work up a lot of times since I was 14. I've decided to take your advice and seek help. I ended up in the hospital yesterday... Not just for my anxiety. But...
Thanks kitkat. I just keep hoping it will go away I don't wanna be put on medication. I've had this be4 where I have like a month of anxiety then it would go away for like 6 months to a year or more....
Wowww I must say as I know the whole anxiety situation sucks... It brings me comfort to know I'm not the only one going thru this. Sometimes when I get anxiety attacks it takes me DAYS to calm down....
Yea I feel the same way! Xanax doesn't help. My heart races I have the chest tightness feels like I can't breathe... I can't stop thinking about it which makes it worse. I feel like I'm going to die....
I wonder the same thing raerae! My anxiety level is so high I feel like my heart is always racing. The have me take xanax .25 when I'm having bad anxiety but I don't like taking them. They relax me...
Hey all!! I'm 2f years old and have been havin SEVERE CONSTANT anxiety since about july 09. I've had periods of anxiety before but never this bad and never for this long a period of time. I'm at such...