The inside of your body feeling as though it's burning is common. I still get it occasionally. I guess it's because when you're panicking your body temperature goes up....
You don't really have to be scared or under stress to have a panic attack. Mine would come out of the blue for no reason. It was as though I was scared to death but couldn't figure out what I was so...
Who knew? That's still not enough to convince me to get pregnant....
I think after a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer's any financial decisions they make are null and void because they're considered incompetent to reason....
For sinus pressure I use one of those gel masks. You can get them at Target, Wal-Mart, or anywhere. Don't heat it up in the microwave or it will bust. Just put in a tub or sink of hot water. ...
I've had chronic sinusitis for 30 years. It sucks. I think that is part of the equation when it comes to my CFS. Is this something you have dealt with frequently? Is this the first time you've had...
Did your primary care doctor do all those tests or did you go to a rheumatologist? Maybe you should go to a rheumatologist and get re-tested for Lupus. Did they check your thyroid?...