Hi there, I am in a pretty similar situation at the moment anxiety wise. I don't know what your case is but I have been riddled with anxiety, health anxiety, social phobia, OCD for the last 20 years...
Hi everyone, I am writing for a bit of help as I am really starting to freak out over the same thing over and over the last few days. I have suffered constant GAD pretty much for the last 20 years...
Thanks everyone for answering. About checking Blood Pressure. I am scared out of my mind when it comes to things like that. The last time I checked it was quite a long time ago when my mother in law...
Thanks rainbow. Just now on my way back from work all I could think of was that so much anxiety, and ups and downs in blood pressure and constant stress and worries over the last 20 years virtually...
By the way, stkitt, thanks for the link to moodgym. I just found out about something called e-couch this morning which I believe is related to this link. I hope this helps me in some way. SCaredycat:...
Thanks for answering, I am currently with a psychologist but it doesn't really seem to be working. I am pretty sure that my problem requires some form of CBT becasue I am pretty sure that I have...
Hello all, I started with hypochondria when I was about 13. I am now 35. It began because I suddenyl started having problems with my sinuses and I just imagined the worst, thinking it was a cancer or...