My cousin in Alabama is feeling so much better living with Lupus. I am so glad when I got information from Healing, you helped in such a big way. Since she don't have a computer, I submitted...
Hi Bearly, Know that a lot of people is praying for you and so am I. I'm glad the lump was found while small, that way not to spread. May God guide the doctors hands and fingers while the removal is...
You are by far not the only 1 going through this. There are others who when they get migraines their vision lessons, maybe your doctor just don't know of such cases. But if you have gone with this...
HI Sherry, I find that when I read the Holy Bible I tend to get sleepy. If I get comfortable and start reading the Bible I really will go to sleep. I don't intend to do that, but that is what happens...
Hi It's me Temple, Thank you again so much for your help. Lynnwood forum Moderator, you started me on this search and the info. was so good and it help me to get even more info. it was just awesome....
Hi, I am so excited to tell you I received a call back from Jessie, she gave me more information and it was only a few days after I had called her. I gave her my cousin Add. & phone # in Montgomery,...
Thank you so, so much, I did call that Tel# and got a real person. I was referred to someone else and left a message. It was said the volume of calls are high so it might take a week before they get...
Hi, I have tried to read as much info. as I can to find a local chapter for Lupus Support Group in Montgomery, Ala. I have even rec. tell. no's. called and left my name & Tel.# no one has called back...
Person in Montgomery, Ala. has no computer but need Lupus support group. I can get info. to her, but if she can call a Lupus support person that would be so much helpful to her as well as others in...
Hello, I would like to know where Lupus support group in Montgomery, Ala. Please an add. & tel#, very important and much needed. Thank you very, very much....