Kitt, Serenitee, Thank you both for your feedback. Steady as she goes. We will all be ok, and free of this med. It was good while I needed it, but now I am hopefully off for good. I am starting to...
/community/emoticons/confused.gif Hello everyone, July 25th..and still going strong.. effexor free. However.....I am angry almost all the time. Impatient, and last week cried everyday. The dizzy...
Hello again, Well today is day 7 without Effexor. I was very spacey last weekend. I had a remicade infusion on Saturday..and combined with the withdrawl of Effexor..made for an uncomfortable feeling....
I am cautiously Optimistic that i will get through it. I am determined. It helps to be very occupied at work and at home. I do not regret being on Effexor. It helped me tremendously, and I have no...
/community/emoticons/turn.gif Thank you so much for your encouragement. Today feels like a normal day..tomorrow is the last pill. Yikes! I find if I keep busy, I don't notice the dizzyness too much....
Hi, I am in the last leg of the withdrawl. I have two more capsules, and that's it. I am taking it every second day now. By the second day..around noon I start feeling dizzy and disorientated. I am...
Cin777 From what I have exprienced so far, I feel "out of it" and a bit dizzy betweeln 12 - 2...once I take the pill I'm ok. I have to see more as the weeks progress. Why do you Have to stop them?...
I think switching to tablets is not a bad idea. So far so good. Felt a bit dizzy in the morning yesterday, but I don't really think I will feel too much until med week when my body discovers what I'm...
I had a feeling everyone would agree that it seems a bit quick. I was on the 75 mg. capsule so my Dr. gave me the 37.5 capsule, hard to cut in half if I need a 1/4 pill.. I can always phone him and...
Hello everyone, Thank you all for your advice and support. I finally spoke to my Dr. His directions are to take half the doze 37.5mg everyday for two weeks, then every other day for another two...
I am currently taking 75mg of effexor daily. I have been on for 9 months and am ready to start tapering off. I am so worried about the side effects of tapering off. I am not sure which way will be...