I am tired of waking up anxious. I have gotten myself so worked up today that I can tell I'm on the verge of a full blown attack. My mind won't stop. I keep telling myself reassuring things. I keep...
Living well, I am sending you a big hug. I am new to the forum, but long time anxiety sufferer. Its good you know how to use your skills. I think that is half the battle. The other half is practicing...
Scardeycat cat, Thanks. Did CBT really help you recover from panic? I'm just starting. For 10 years medication really worked. Now I'm afraid nothing will. I'm sitting here watching a movie with my...
Somehow I accidentally ignored scardeycat. Sorry. I am new and was wondering what those icons were for. Scardeycat I really like that exercise. I've never heard of it before. Thank you for your...
Sorry. I meant princessconswela. I just assumed nobody else would respond. Sorry. Laughing at myself right now for being such a flake. Thank you for reaching out too me. I'm sorry I mistitled my last...
Kitt, Thank you for very wise words. I can definitely say that I have become obsessed with this illness and finding the "cure". Too many books. All the natural supplements. It definitely has taken...
Kitt, I wish you the best of luck. If I can help in any way, let me know. Ribs...
Kit, Thank you so much. I have tears just reading your post. It is so nice to know I am not alone. I couldn't agree more. I totally have the what ifs. It's weird. Logically, I know my fears are...
Hi. I am new here. A not so brief history. I have pd and gad for about 12 years. Dx at 27. For 10 years I was on paxil 12.5 mg every other day. It worked well only had one panic attack a year(...