I have to say that lately, I've been feeling better. I'm really working hard to think about things differently. When you are around people that say and do things that are insensitive, and you are a...
Yeah, I mean, I think that I have to really make a sincere effort to change my mindset. It's very clear that I don't fit in, and I need to accept that. The important thing is getting my degree, and...
Thank-you for your comments. Today was such a bad day. *sigh* I feel so drained....
"It is just that they aren't always so many in one area." This is definitely true. Thank-you for the kind words! I needed to hear something positive / supportive today. I don't want to leave this...
Hello, I was hoping that someone could offer some advice based on their experiences in school or work. I am in one of those situations where I love my job but dislike the people that I work with. I...
I finally did get to sleep last night, and I wanted to thank everyone who responded. Just hearing others validate that what they were doing was wrong helped me alot. I agree that the best thing that...
Thank-you for commenting. I appreciate it. I do agree that karma will get these people. They have a new tenet who I do not believe will be as easy going as I was about all of the things that happened...
It's 2:33 AM, and I'm awake because I can't sleep. I have tightness in my chest, and I'm having difficulty breathing because I am so upset about a situation that is going on. I have no one to talk to...