Also - my problem is I care too much what people think! Ugh!...
On another note, I have had social anxiety since chidhood. Now I am scared I am forming a Body Dysmorphic disorder? I dont know if I should see a Shrink or not - I need this anxiety to go away!...
Thanks everyone for your replies. I guess i'm a little intimidated because I have never gotton people saying anything positive about me. Nobody would say anything about my looks before the veneers as...
Wow thank you so much! you're so sweet:) Maybe i should just suck it up and say 'because i'm awesome' to everyones negative remarks. Because I was originally happy with it. i just started to see the...
I spent a fortune and got my teeth done a year and half ago. I got veneers. To those who do nto know what veneers are they are like caps that go on your teeth to enhance your smile..and the worst...