Hey shanny but when i relax it go away .. but when i get nerve it comes back XD btw @Scaredy cat Hey! its me, i posted a topic about my swallowing problem, 2 days ago :) btw i just came again to say...
Hey! its me, i posted a topic about my swallowing problem, 2 days ago :) btw i just came again to say whats the doctor told me... btw Just came back from the doctor's appointment, and he said the...
Great =) i'm lucky to be here, and share life with you guys! :)...
Alright! i will for sure! gonna let you know when i come back! Thanks so much! =) i feel like i'm talkin to my family!...
i do Really appreciate your reply. and no, i didn't experience any anxiety problems before, but since this accident happen, i'm not normal. and i get nurv too fast! like if someone talk to me in a...
Please i hope can someone reply to me soon! i was fixing my front tooth. and the dentist just put something kinds like '' gum '' just to take the front size, so i felt like thers something, ( a Part...