Hi guys, Thanks for your replies, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I went to the opticians about the difference in the size of my pupils but everything came back fine, though he is sending me for a...
Hi all, I was hoping that you may be able to provide some solace / advice. For the past 10 months (on and off) I've been hearing a whooshing of my heart beat in my right ear and it is really...
Hi all, I just went for a check up with the doctors again. The headaches have subsided but the whooshing of my heartbeat and the occasional pressure above my right eye still remain. She also said my...
Hi all, I was hoping that you may be able to provide some solace / advice. For the past 8 months (on and off) I've been hearing a whooshing of my heart beat in my right ear and it is really...
I just feel like a pressure on my chest (like someone's pressing down) and a constant discomfort - is this normal? I worry it's something to do with my lungs as I've previously suffered with...
Aww, thank you for your kind words. I know those results came back fine, but because I didn't have a chest x-ray and because I still have the pain I can't seem to stop worrying that it's something...
Hi, I'm writing for a bit of advice / solace / peace of mind. I'm a 23 year old female, otherwise fit and healthy and a non-smoker, though I do suffer from anxiety. I've had chest pains for the last...