Scardey catYou are correct. Dr. Google can be our worst enemy....
Those tingles are a sign of benzo withdrawal. One of the more benign ones actually. It will get worse if you do not updose....
Way too fast. You should updose to the level that you were last most comfortable with. Then you should use the Ashton taper method. You should also check with your doctor, but most of them know less...
Please you are okay. I am a pathologist and an expert in blood disorders. While the reported reference range refers to 95% of the population at any one time, your numbers are only marginally outside...
Connie Transitioning to management/supervisor status will cause anxiety for many. Just remind yourself that you were promoted for a reason. Your superiors probably had good reason to give you extra...
One more thing. Just because you don't have a baseline of anxiety does not mean you are immune to panic attacks....
You do have a choice about not updosing. Don't do it. I agree that a medical investigation regarding your "panic attacks" may be in order. My guess is that they probably are true panic attacks. If...
If the zoloft worked in the past, going back on it will probably help, however, do check with your Dr first. Seeing a therapist and learning some cbt techniques might help, but do not take a benzo or...
I beg you Do not updose. You will be updosing forever and will wind up a benzo addict like me, who is trying to discontinue but suffering horrific withdrawals. Benzo's are the devils curse. try an...
What meds did you stop and how long were you on them? This is pertinent to have any idea of what to expect with discontinuation syndrome....
for most people on long term daily benzos, particularly the short half life ones (ativan, xanax) interdose withdrawal and updosing is inevitable. .25 xanax three times daily will usually become .5mg...
SSRI's as well as CBT can help with this health anxiety. Health anxiety is extremely common and is rooted in an unconscious need for control/certainty, which is impossible to achieve....
Your nausea is most likely anxiety related, however you may have a benign medical explanation. Helicobacter stomach infections are common and may sometimes be adequately treated with Bi****h...
Food triggers anxiety in some. The car and the barber chair have one thing in common, you are slightly trapped in each. This can also be anxiety provoking. Beware of benzo's except for prn/short term...
Kitt thanks for the reply I will be converting .75 Klonipin to 20 valium ( a slight updose ). Hopefully I can complete the taper in the way you did. I've read so many horror stories about w/d and...
kitt How long did it take? What was you starting valium dose? Was the taper hell or manageable? Did w/d go away soon after your last dose? Thanks...
Chronic benzo use is acutally the cause of progressive anxiety disprder for many people. I was on 1.5 mg Klonipin at night for about three years. a slow taper to .75 worked although it wasn't easy. I...
Risa Don't freak if they say "mild left ventricular hypertrophy". This is basically a normal finding in an adult. The reference ranges for a normal heart size are based on autopsy findings in young...
fox7 Good luck with the dose increase. I would be hopeful that a 25% increase in dose should not cause much in the way of side effects. We all adjust our medications in search of that holy grail,...
Libra You are correct that your loved ones cannot understand how you feel, unless they too are afflicted with this problem. I've described my obsessions/anxieties to my wife on rare occasion, and she...
I hate that feeling. just remind yourself that it will pass, your appetite will come back. It is a normal sensation from anxiety....
Perhaps I should not use the term "addicted" because of its connotations. My strong feelings over the subject ahve to do with the total abject hell that i have experienced trying to drop my dose too...
If you are not comfortable with this therapist get a new one. Putting someone on an SSRI for 2 months makes no sense. Talk therapy is good also, but meds can be of great help. My shrink is an old New...
I don't think think that CB's psych was going to pull the celexa. It seems that CB anticipated this and for those reasons chose not to start it....
You are in the doldrums with the new med. SSRI's typically make a person feel lousy (nauseous, dizzy dysphoric, diarrhea, insomnia, anxious) for atleast the first week and maybe 2 or 3. Those side...
Fox7 Once again I disagree. I think this psych is wise to pull him off the ativan (although I agree that a taper is in order). Staying on that med for a few more months will make it much harder....
Fox7 I ahve been trying to wean off Clonazepam for over 1 yr. I've gotten my dose down by 60%, but it has been hard. Each tiny drop in dose takes 1 month to acclimate to. Chronic daily use of any...
definitely mornings....
The main side effect is addiction. Please transition to an SSRI....
about 10 years ago, a stressful event at work sent me into an anxiety spiral that lasted 2 months. I was nauseous constantly and lost 25 lbs. It lasted until about 2 weeks after tsarting Lexapro 10...
For some people, Prozac is a bit activating. You may try a change to celexa/lexapro as they may be better at helping anxiety. I take 5mg of lexapro and it greatly helps my panic/health anxiety....
Touching your lymph nodes will cause them to enlarge and become sore. Don't touch them. It is not uncommon to become fixated on an armpit. I was digging at mine all summer, until I found a neck lymph...
Veins are under low pressure, therefore they don't burst. The temporal artery is not prone to aneurysms either....
One other thing.... As far as "I don't know why I am so Paranoid", I have a simple answer. Just like probably all of us on this board, you are wired for excess anxiety. You can't do anything about...
You are may be having a vaso vagal panic response to having your BP taken. Either that or you have faulty equipment. I don't believe you are walking around with those low pressures. People with...
Alcohol is a short term depressant, but an internediate term stimulant. 2 drinks are not likely to cause rebound anxiety, but 3 or 4 might....
I have been on and off lexapro for years. SSRI's cause repetitive freaky dreams for me. I have 3 basic dreams. I am back in a college dorm/apartment, wondering when I can return to my wife and kids....
Patti Sorry to hear of your first attack. I started having them about 5 yrs ago in my late 30"s. Runs in the family. The best advice I can give you is watch out for the Valium. It makes you feel...