also with the heart beat thing i have had that since my 1st panic attack..its defonately anxiety related.. i still get this now and ive correlated it with stress. anxiety is so so horrible it is...
hi there, firstly i want to say i havent had this symptom since i last posted and also im no longer as anxious as i was.. i have been seeing a counceller and having talk therapy and its really...
Its like the feeling you get before a sneeze sort of but it lasts longer than a second. More like an hour. Its not in my eyes it more my forehead and behind my eyes,nose. Its horrible. I'm not a very...
As in change symptoms. I use to get palpatations and headaches and lots more other things. Now I get a tickly feeling in my head achey head and ears and stuff...
Thanks ever so much, very reassuring to hear both comments. Is it possible for symptoms to change?...
Can you have anxiety symptoms wheN just relaxing...
Thanks again! I get these symptoms together the tickly feelings and the strange eye sensation! I'm not sure what it is but its worrying. Drs always seem to say its anxiety or muscular but I'm never...
Does any one else get this sympton? Its like the feeling you get when looking at the sun but I'm not looking at the sun. Does it sound like anxiety or something serious?...
Thanks so much for replying. Yeh its strange I had it in my legs and dr called it restless leg syndrome! It feels just like that but in my upper body. I hate it and I know its either anxiety or...
Hi I'm new to this site. I've had anxiety for over 2 years. I've had evry symptom but lately almost daily I have been experiencing a new one. Its like and itchy feeling in my neck arm chest and head....