I hate the feeling of all of the dizziness, fast heart rate and such. I stopped taking medication and it came back so bad. I am trying to do it the natural way with vitamins, but i always feel like i...
I actually dont have a doctor right now. I havent for a year, I am on a waiting list for health insurance. The ER told me that I need to bring it down by eating better and exercise. While I am...
I actually do not have a doctor at the moment. I havent for a year. But this happend a couple years ago as well. I am just so afraid I am dying, but the ER told me everything looked normal. I keep...
I have had diabetes since I was fifteen, I am now 21. Type 1. I have never been a very good diabetic, so now that I am trying to get it under control my blood sugars are so used to being high like...
I have been suffering from really bad panic attacks. I constantly think something is wrong with me and am feeling like I am crazy. My head feels tight and I just dont know what to do. I dont wanna...