Hi Giz, yeah the hair and make up tend to make a big difference for me just getting them done makes me feel a tad better knowing even if I don't feel ok I may at least look it! That stems a long way...
Hey me again just forced oats down, I need today to be a half decent today as my son has football practice. Just gonna ramble here as there are things I can't say in front of kids husband etc I wish...
My auto correct is a bad man lol I meant worst case scenario xx...
Sometimes I don't feel normal. I feel like everyone else is doing the good stuff and I'm just locked up in my head never to be out again. It's the doom and gloom thoughts that hurt the most. The...
Hey, thank you so much for replying, love the links and ideas! It's so lonely trying to sort which problem I should deal with first with the normal everyday folk I talk to, I can't tell them all of...
Hey everyone. I'm new here I just wanted to talk through my fears with someone. I've just got my referral through for CBT, and I have a couple of other problems that I saw a doc about yesterday that...