Hello everyone, Its been awhile since I posted anything.mbut today was a rough day for me. I previoisly posted that I quit all meds in april and have been truing to do this all without any meds at...
Hi, Your not going crazy. I have your exact same symptoms . Weird pressure feeling in the head, chest pains, fast heartbeat randomly throughout the day. And all these symptoms can freak me out IF I...
Carol, Yes her father and I are together and he helps me alot with her. He knows sometimes I need just time to myself but I also feel so bad that I am not spending time with her and I am missing out...
I have been feeling the same way. I went to the hospital yesterday because I was so aggravated and I just can't put my mind around the fact that anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms. but...
Well He didn't prescribe me anymore meds. He actually told me to start Tia Chi. He said that all my aches and chest pains and everything is due to being so stressed. The weird thing is that the only...
Well hello, I have been reading the posts for the last few weeks but this is my first posting. I am a 24 yr old mother to a 3 yr old beautiful girl. I have been on many medications in the past for...