I really can't help as much as everyone else. But I was put on Lexapro and like you it made me SUPER depressed. It made my insomnia worse. And it made me constantly tired(but unable to sleep)....
I literally just joined a couple hours ago. This is all really new to me. I've been going through and responding to whatever I can. I have to say it all made me cry with happiness. No one has really...
"From my husband - You know you have an anxiety disorder when everything in this thread makes complete sense to you!" omg yes!...
Like they say, telling your parents is a very good step. I didn't know that my dad has struggled with his entire life until I told my parents what was happening. If you have a family member who has...
I am new to anxiety as well. It got back a little over a month ago. Like you I was not stressed at all. If anything I would think I was happy and relaxed and it just hit. I never thought anxiety...
I have to agree with Larry. I take it a lot to help me get to sleep and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night. But not in a panic. It might have just happened anyways. I know how you feel...
I am glad I came across this. I can't really give you any answers. But these are the exact things that I have been feeling that I just don't know how to explain. especially the restlessness, brain...
I noticed a few weeks ago (around my really bad anxiety attack) that my face, neck, and chest were really itchy for a few days. I had no idea what it was. But because you asked this I noticed that it...
Thank you so much, I have started walking a lot. That is really the only thing that calms me down and keeps me from a full blown attack. The first thing I did while seeing the doctor was get a...
This may be a little jumbled so please bear with me. I've always had anxiety symptoms. Probably since fourth or fifth grade. They made things difficult but growing up I just thought everyone felt...