Thanks Teeram, Have you felt like this before? I'm just wondering if I should continue the meds....
I started celexa three days ago. Felt totally fine the first two days. I'm on a dose of 10mg. Today is day 3, I'm extremely panicky, feeling like my insides are on fire every couple of mins. Have you...
I'm constantly nauseous. I found a little vial of oil called motion ease. You take a little bit and rub it behind your earlobes. This helps me, could totally be placebo effect, but I'll take it. I...
I too have ibs and anxiety/panic attacks. I dealt with it for a few years before doing anything about. I was having d about twice a day. I was convinced it was cancer, had a colonoscopy, all...
Be Rock, Thanks for your response and support. You say you have driving issues too? When or if celexa or any drug was working for you, did your driving issues ever get better?...
Thanks for the response. I've tried buspar and it only made me really tired, and I still had anxiety. Was on it for about 6mos. I've tried the natural approach of meditation, more yoga, exercise,...
I'm looking for a little guidance. I have GAD. I fear driving the most and hate the way I have allowed this anxiety to control my life. I've started to avoid public places recently. My dr wants me to...
I'm new to this forum. I know no one has responded to this thread in a while. This is my panic. This is how it all started for me 7 years ago. I was driving on the freeway to work. I had my first...