Is tapering required if I only took .25mg as needed over 7-8 days? I am having a few symptoms but I think they are just related to my normal anxiety. I just don't want to take meds anymore. Thanks...
Kitt, my sister has had ringing in her ears for a few years now. Finally after seeing many specialists she was diagnosed with Meniere's disease. She is currently undergoing more tests to evaluate the...
Thanks again Lacey and I also wish you a great recovery. I had a really bad experience this week with Effexor. I took one pill on Tuesday at lunch and am just starting to recover from it. I literally...
Thanks Lacey. Not cold turkey...just trying to space it out. I live in Europe so I was prescribed Xanax 10 drops=.25mg. So I am trying to decrease a drop or so per day. The anxiety isn't...
Hi all! Just wondering if anyone had experience weaning off Xanax. I have only been taking .25mg, 2-3 times per day. I have awful frontal lobe/forehead pressure right now and have not ate much for 3...
Hi all! I am new to the forum and wanted to start talking to people that are been through and are currently feeling the same things i am. I am a 36yr old male smoker that has been dealing with mild...