Hi, Anxiety comes in different forms and one of these is severe headaches. At one point I had learnt to cope very well with panic attacks and was med free for 2 years. I was ready to take on the...
Dear PAO and Scaredy, Thank you for the welcome and encouragement. Appreciate your commitment to support people with similar issues here! LS31...
So I am supposed to strart a new thread for intro. Looking back I probably had panic attacks a couple of times ( I din know what it was then and quickly forget it each time) over my younger days...
Yes littlewing. That's how panic attacks subside in frequency and intensity for me. Break the cycle of fear and panic in its track. Panic lives on fear. Stop fearing it when it comes and it has...
Dear Littlewing, I can relate to your experiences as I had attacks when I was driving but kept pushing myself. I had panics in shopping centers, movies, subway as well. I think you are on the right...
Hihi, I dun think anxiety is just in the head. But it screws your head so you need to know how it works and use your head to control it. As hard as it is since these attacks screw the way you think,...
Thanks for the welcome. A bit about myself. I had panic attacks real bad 15 years back. I was consumed by it and was having panic attacks daily. I developed agoraphobia, anticipatory anxiety, various...
Btw Shanel, dun feel down cos I promise u can and will get better. My situation was equally bad so I shd be able to give some advice or share some experience if u really need. Hope u r better tho. I...
Hello, Sorry to hear about your sufferings. Recovery takes a little effort. I have been there and the most important part of recovery for me has to be books from Dr Claire Weekes. Her method really...