I am also suffering with my health anxiety at the mo which is made worse by the fact that I have 4 children to take care of one of which is only 10 days old! My anxiety hit around 5-6 days ago and...
Yes I'm going to get some today as well as diralite because I have the big D too which doesn't help, I think I slept last night it's hard to tell to be honest because I stirred quite a lot, and...
Thank you both, this is such a horrible place to be, I now as from today cannot sleep, I had been sleeping whenever the baby sleeps but I have tried so many times today and nothing! I'm exausted!! I...
Thank you Scaredy cat, is it possible to get long term therapy? I have only been offered counselling and CBT both which only lasted around a couple of months, I feel I need it a lot more long term!...
Thank you for your reply, it means a lot to talk to someone who knows just how I feel! I just want the test over with with hopfully nothing bad showing. I can then start to recover again, I am...
Hi I am new to this forum but not new to anxiety unfortunately :cry: I wonder if anyone can help, I have had health anxiety for the past 13 yrs but it comes in bouts I've had about 5 or 6 in that...