Im actually in CBT and i am taking some naturopathic medicine- it works most of the time. But, I had a very strange sensation come over me last week and since then my panic and weird symptoms have...
Foot jerks/twitches, legs feel weird, arms feel weird, hands cramp, fingers feel weak et EVEN when im not having an attack Is this normal?...
Im worried because mostly when i look up things about anxiety and eye problems it is something to do with blurry vision. But, im having moments where just for like 10 seconds my eyes will...
Interesting..i cant really relate to how you described it (the car stopping in front of you). For me its an INTENSE sensation that goes over my whole body and i cant think while its happening because...
How would you all explain the feeling? Because when i get it its so hard to describe to my doctor because its like nothing i have ever felt. It would be interesting to see how you all describe it....
Interesting...what exactly does it feel like for you? Because when it happened to me when i was talking to people i couldnt finish what i was saying because the feeling that rushed over me was so...
I also have strange sensations. The odd thing for me though is i havent been able to find online ANYONE who has said they have the same feeling. Ill be doing something then out of nowhere this...
Hello, I first started getting this strange sensation a couple months ago. The first time, i was just sitting writing a test and a weird sensation went through my whole body (almost like a rush of...