Scaredy Cat, Thanks again for your input I think what happened monday was I took on to many things to give up at once. Yestarday was much better and today I actually feel pretty normal today now that...
As Always thanks I feel I have people who finally understand how I feel man it helps!! I took 1/2 a paxil yest after no booze for 2 days I dont plant to drink again btw it just depresses me. I did...
Lesweet1971 Thats one thing I am being totally honest about with my doc I do eat Cannabis and I am 100% legal. I actually work in the industry which makes this whole thing harder surrounded by the...
Thank you so much for replying just to talk with others that have the same feelings means so much to me right now. I am busy reading every resource here and thanks to everyone here. Alpha-1...
I am an Alpha-1 meaning I lack a protein that protects my lungs from white blood cells basically Genetic COPD. I am a very active driven business person that many people depend on about a year ago I...