Lately I've been feeling really fed up with everything but like, non-stop. For a couple weeks I just don't seem to care about things I used to are about and I feel weak and uncomfortable. There are...
Coincidentally, I have the flu right now. But this kind of headache had been going on before too if I can remember right. I'll see what I can do, thank you :)...
Thank you all of you :) I'll be getting my braces this Monday btw :D...
So I have the weirdest thing ever: I can HEAR a pulsating thing in my head, as if something in my brain was throbbing back and forth. What is this supposed to mean?...
Thanks RN :) SC, do other people also get a lot of scans when they start their treatments? And 1039 that would be kind, thank you so much!...
I'm 14. I just had THREE scans of my whole head (im getting braces) in one go!!! Could this be dangerous because of radiowaves transmitted? I'm so scared! Please reply. (In addition, now i feel a...
That is a very useful list, thank u SC :) It does mention a "pulsating ears" but i dont know if that iis really whats going on... I mean, what i am feeling is a feeling i can control, its like a...
Sorry that i am posting a lot here, i am just curious about everything. So lately i had this weird muscle twitching in my ears like small spasms in the inner ear. Is it possibly related to anxiety?...
Yeah I already made an appointment a couple days ago thanks :)...
Do some of u get brown discharge from your vagina regularly? Just wondering because I do but I only started paying attention to it now. I'm 14 btw...
Ok thanks for reassuring me, I really am a worrynob! XD No I never had one before.. Hope it's not too bad but I'll do it because what's most important is to be healthy. If any of u need help u can...
No I haven't I feel like I can't confide in anyone, and my parents decided I should stop seeing my psychologist because every time I did, all of my worries would come back and make it worse....
Thanks :) I'm going to see one soon, my parents said it happens to other teenagers too when they are under a lot of stress... I hope I'm one of them!...
Keep in mind I never had sex and I am 14 years old. But could it be a serious thing?? I'm scared :(...
So I haven't had my period since around 3 months ago. It only comes for like a day or so....
Lately I've been losing interest in a lot of things including Christmas and such. I don't know why, is something wrong with me? Thanks for help (Also I feel like I don't even have interest in people...
Can you send the link please,SC? Thank uuuu And yes I am slightly better now :) I just say my psychotherapist and also, on Wednesday I am going to an important interview which could have positive...
I will. :) appreciating this :DDD...
Negative: too many changes in my life (including my anxiety..) Positive: I'm alive...
Haha well yeah people tell me I shouldn't think like this at my age but idk :') My best friend moved to another continent and my other close friends don't go to my school anyway so I rarely see...
That's good advice thanks. But today since I woke up I've been shaking a bit and I've also been having a throbbing headache which kinda went on for a whole day.. :( and again comes anxiety...
Really? That's great news! Yes, I will do.....
Thank you all for your support! I wish I could help others with their problems too, but for now I want to make sure it is safe for me to read what others say here. I appreciate all your support. Many...
Thank u, the links are really useful btw :) It's nice to know I have a group of people who understand me I really hope I will not get cardiac or cancer illnor stroke or another serious illness...
I just don't feel supported in general, like you said, people don't understand that I don't choose to be like this, I just am.. Yes, I have a psychologist. I'd love to find a group like that! Then...
I have read the sites you sent me! I am trying hard to get better but I feel that people around me are not helping me on my recovery. If I am too sad or simply having a bad day, people act like it is...
(I'm 14 and) I'm really scared there's something wrong with me. My parents (not to mention people at school etc) sometimes lose their cool with me and it makes me lose my cool too and everytime I get...
Thank u, again guys! :D yes, i looked quickly at the links before, I'll look again. So I'm not the only one with that weird numb left side? :D phew, I was scared!...
That's a great idea! However, as I was saying, there are new symptoms coming, which worries me a lot. One i got just now was a shooting pain in the stomach, and sometimes i get pain in my lower ribs....
GB thank you lots! I had a thourough chekup just over 2 months ago.. It is still valid, right?...
One more thing: whenever i cry, i get chills in my head! Is this normal?...
:OoO Well i can move them as normal now, it was just at night. Idk, my parents seem sure that it is just anxiety.. I would like to see my doctor but people say that i am too young for those problems,...
(I am 14, had one panic attack in september along with one blood test and brain scan) Along with my tension headaches and left arm numbness, last night i woke up with my left arm and neck (all the...
Thank you so much! :) God bless you all. For helping me through a hard time <3 I hope that's true! Do you think that having my electronic devices nearby is dangerous? I am scared of being in big...
It's weird because sometimes I feel normal and suddenly I get the symptoms without even being anxious beforehand. Rrakkma, AJG25 and Park12 and Bettsann: thank you! I really appreciate your support;...
Thank you so much to both of you! Yes, i am seeing a physiotherapist and a psychologist every once in a while. Everyone says I am "too young" to have tumours but I have read a book "the fault in our...
I am only 14 years old and just over two months ago i had my first panic attack. A blood test was taken and they said it is just anxiety. But a while after, i started having a weird numb feeling in...