Hey everyone! In an earlier post I made today, I mentioned briefly I'm trying herbal supplements for my anxiety/panic I've been having since May of last year. My thoughts/experience on L-Theanine...
Thanks for your input Park12. I've visited a number of doctors for the past several months due to my physical symptoms. My family doctor prescribed SSRI for me but maybe I'm just really sensitive to...
It's definitely a mystery for me. I would like to think the fact that I've really only taken the benzo on occasional basis (at most 2x a week at such low dose) I would have no withdrawal whatsoever....
For me: Absolutely. I think i came to develop a fear of having a panic attack. Many times, I know I don't go into a full-blown attack but I had a strong urge it's going to happen. I also have a lot...
Whenever I find that I need a Clonazepam, I also break it into 0.25 mg only and never exceed 0.5 mg if i need to take one. I personally found it to be very effective for me but perhaps it's because I...
Hi Larry, Thank you for the response. I've seen a therapist for 6 - 7 sessions, but wasn't successful on CBT. I'm currently seeing another one but just started so I guess I have that going for now....
Hi everyone! I'm a new member here, literally just joined several minutes ago. I've been experiencing anxiety/panic since May of 2014 after quitting my job of 2 years as I had to pursue my practicum...