Nightcrawler, I've not been subjected to anxiety attacks but think I came close while traveling alone & was stuck in the back of an airplane. I couldn't deplane as quickly as I thought I should have,...
Sweetie UK, if others do not or never have experienced what we go through, they simply have no clue. And unless they are blessed to be very empathetic, can be quite rude, cruel, cool towards us, &...
I have come to realize, finally, that ACV is good for very many things. Please don't take my word as gospel. Google & investigate. I came to this conclusion on my own for myself after years of...
Thanks so much. I had no idea there was a link between coughing, plephm, & I assume now diminished sense of smell & even an odd to unpleasant odor & gerd/reflux or hiatal (sp?) hernia. I'm not @ the...
Wonderful! Haven't taken my 2nd Nexium today. Leary of side effects. I'm rife with enough problems already, don't need to add high BP. and whatever else it offers. I think I'll continue with ACV for...
Carenpolar, Your're blessed that you have him to be by your side. I, too traveled the dark lonely fibro, bipolar, depression, (& more) road alone until I met my best friend. He walked with me through...
Oh, yes, for the cramps, magnesium & calcium every night before I go to bed. I hear about some controversy concerning too much calcium & heart problems. But then again, it's always something, on...
At the tender age of 70 (just heard the new old is now 75, go for it) I am a firm believer that natural is the only way to lick these " issues" (so over that word). My gp pushed Nexium on me ystrday...
This is a most interesting conversation. I'm wondering if I can find an answer here. I had a boil, maybe, or bug/spider bite on my leg/shin from sitting in yard pulling weeds. No pain. I think I...
I also have tingling in my hands/feet. Better now. was almost diagnosed with hydocephylous, it is still up in the air. But we're not too worried about it. I have an excellent neurologist &...
Oops, I messed up my msg. Sorry. My pharmacist told me that it sounded as though I could possibly have an ulcer. This was after I told him that swallowing would immediately alleviate my pain....
I just found this thread last night, THANK GOD! For years I thought I was crazy. I always felt like a hypochondriac. Then I stumbled upon this wonderful thread and already have had so many questions...