So just kinda of curious, not sure if this is anxiety related or not. But lately as I'm falling asleep my mind will think of a million random, non-related thoughts. Stuff that doesn't even make...
Awesome thank you very much. I will be looking over these plus others in the resources area....
You are 100% right, and don't feel bad in any kind of way, this is the best kind of response for me honestly. I'm a bit of an abrasive person so this speaks to me a lot more than maybe a softer...
Thank you everyone for your responses and support it makes me feel a ton better just getting it out honestly. I am actually against medication, I'm pretty adamant about not wanting to get on it. I...
Hello everyone, my name is Alex and I just signed up because I'm hoping that getting my thoughts out would help and maybe some people had some advice that would help. In January I fell on my face and...