What a Godsend this forum is! Thank you, friends;)...
Jake"s mom, i just emailed you. Thank you!!...
Hi all, anyone ever had little spots of tingling in random pkaces on your body? Short lived but ddisconcerting...not all at once either. One little spot in one place, later another......
Thank you so much everyone. I looked at the list of things to read but it is as list of diseases. Is that what you are referring to?...
I cannot get it to stop! Advice anyone? Plus it stresses me that something is wrong of course....
Wow, thank you both so much. I am in tears from tge feelings of welcoming and acceptance here. Will write and email when off work tonight. GOD BLESS YOU....
Thank you so much for the information. I hear what you are saying about not googling. I am actually wondering if looking here at the disease info would be just as bad, lol?...
Hi there, I am brand new here, realized recently that I must be a hypochondriac as I find it so difficult to stop obsessing over physical symptoms every day. I am a Christian, and I hate that this is...
Hi there, i am new here. I am so sorry for your stress over the balloon incident. I know how real that can be. Balloons already taste nasty. If you ever blew up bslloons you know that nasty rubber...