My anxiety has been so bad the last few days, I can't get to work. Luckily, I have an awesome boss that understands. But, at the same time I feel like a loser for not going. I feel bad for my hubby...
Yes. It has helped me in the past. Now, I'm back on it 2x's a day....
Thanks for the link Hibee!...
Scaredy Cat, Thanks! Yes, my doctor did refer me to someone, but they never called me back. I was told to find one in my network. I was actually able to get an appointment today....
Thanks for the suggestions BlueCat!...
Delurking here... Hi! Everyone! I've been dealing with GAD/Depression on/off since 2005. My GP says it's time for me to find a psychiatrist. I got worse after my 2nd pregnancy. Anyway, I didn't...
*Delurking* Hi! All! Feeling blue/anxious... Will get through it :-) just reading this forum is a great comfort to me. So, thank you....