W2B, I guess I missed that you were also going off of Lamictal. So you were on Effexor and Lamictal and new dr. decided to get off both of those and switch to Zoloft, so now it's taper off Effexor...
chele - are you still here?...
PC, Another momma here who was on meds through all three pregnancies and nursing as well....no problems, no concerns from drs. Talk to the lactation consultants and they will help you if you decide...
Okay, so the plan is to switch back to Vitamin Z. Was today any better? Hope you get a good night's sleep!...
It's the worst. I get it both as a side effect of meds but also as part of my anxiety. Out of curiosity, why did the dr switch you to Effexor and why adding Zoloft back in? At one point I was on both...
Hang in there, W2b - how many days has it been? That wired feeling is certainly part of the process whenever I've increased doses - go for a walk, stay active, keep plugging along... It'll smooth out...
Chele, hope you are doing better today. Check again for my email ;)...
So glad to hear you didn't have any shakiness today! Hoping tomorrow is another "normal" day too....
I'm so sorry that you've had problems with getting off Ativan. Not to be nosy, but what dose were you/are you on? Is the doctor of any help at all? He/she just said to go back on it until everything...
Chele, Check my profile for my email address then email me so I can delete it :) it'll be faster to email or text each other ;) MJ **profile, not signature... I must be getting sleepy...
I agree with the PP, if you already have seen results, hang in there a week longer. The jittery shaky feeling is awful but it does subside! Sometimes it's hard to sort out what's the anxiety and what...
Check my signature for my email address then email me so I can delete it :) it'll be faster to email or text each other ;)...
lol! I always have tons of questions too, so no worries! It has always been gradual - don't worry, that doesn't necessarily mean slow! But it's not like one day there was a complete change. But at...
Also, i know you don't want to hear this, but it very well may be that the fact that you are still having anxiety means that you need to keep increasing the Zoloft. And for me, once I got on the...
I started out on 25mg for two days then 50 and kept going up every couple weeks to 150mg I was having obsessive health anxiety and insomnia and crying fits :( I had lost my appetite too. Which never...
Also, if you are finally sleeping more, I bet your body is adjusting to that - and just like with kids, 'sleep begets sleep' - you would think that sleeping more you would just feel better, but your...
Always the morning. currently on 150mg. My mom is on 50mg and she initially took at night and couldn't sleep bc too wired. Did you start the Klonopin the same time as the Zoloft? When I have taken a...
Hm, I haven't heard of Zoloft making people sleepy but I have sometimes had phases where I get incredibly sleepy at 3 or 4 pm and I'm not sure why. Hopefully it is just a phase for you too. Or maybe...
I agree completely with SC! Everyone is different. And never anticipate a downturn! I've been on Zoloft for most of 18 years (!) at various doses and have always found some improvement within the...
Zoloft has worked really well for me. I have taken it most of the time since 1997 (!) so I might be able to help answer any questions you have. When starting or increasing dosage, I have only ever...